Searching for God in nature, photography, whiskey, books and art…. whatever rant I am compelled to voice


I had a wonderful albeit cold experience touring a ranches lambing operation. I was like a little kid taking pictures until my fingers froze…it wasn’t that cold but the wind chill was!

The sheep have been sheared and now they are all having their cute little lambs…

The lovely owner and tour guide Robin abandoned her busy day to gift me with the tour and to answer my numerous questions!

This pen of sheep is filled with mamas and their babies who are a few days old and in good health!

Robin explained to me that since the sheep are black and white the wool is used for felt. I wonder if this breed of sheep is more suitable for Montana….I forgot to ask what breed they are!

Isn’t that they cutest thing ever???

These pens are new babies who need to be watched more carefully.

One of the mothers was a first timer and her babies were having a hard time finding their food

Here Robin is explaining when they will interfere and help the little ones who can’t quite figure it out.

More to come!!

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