Searching for God in nature, photography, whiskey, books and art…. whatever rant I am compelled to voice

Posts tagged “Crescent City


I had a hard time photographing this as it is between two parking lots one is for a dry cleaner/bakery and the other a fast food restaurant. I had to crouch and aim to avoid building and cars and garbage dumpsters!

There are tons of birds here but only one photo came out halfway in focus…



I went to the coast on  Thursday and Friday….nice break from the heat! Both Crescent City and Brookings were cool and both days were foggy. I’m more the foggy…stormy…coast loving girl rather than the sunny beach lover.

Its been awhile since I posted my weight. Getting ready for a vacation and then recovering from vacation is time consuming. In addition I have been using the Nike+ gadget and site on a regular basis. It’s a good thing and keeps me motivated.

I have stopped running due to my running shoes breaking down they now have 183 miles on them A LOT for shoes that were worn by someone close to 200lbs….I still use them to walk in but running is much harder on the feet. And after my three week vacation….new tires (I don’t buy cheap shoes or tires!) hotel rooms and lots of gas….liquor…a vacation!!

Unpaid vacation at that!!

(I kept cleaning off my lens but to no avail….there were always water spots…) I don’t think I had ever seen the tide this far out!

Lumbering around isn’t so bad more photo opportunities! And lumbering in sand is a healthy workout. I would love to also get a pair of Nike Frees for the beach…they are light and the soles are made in such a way that it mimics being barefoot in order to build the muscles in the foot. I wouldn’t dare wear them on anything but the softest of ground. My feet wouldn’t survive! I admire the people who actually run in them….like those Kenyon’s who run barefoot! I can’t stand to be without shoes. In my youth I remember running around barefoot but not for decades has this occurred….I will only wear slippers for about five minutes!

Lets see in other exercise and health issues….I totally fucked up my goal not to eat desserts for 100 days when I was in Montana….my friend bought me an A&W ROOT BEER FLOAT (I was relaying a story how my sister and I re-discovered them on her last visit). COULDN’T POSSIBLY LET THAT GO TO WASTE!! Then I discovered CHILI MANGO JELLY BELLY’S!! DAMN!! ARE THOSE TO DIE FOR!!! I had Ice cream on the coast the other day too. Not really too bad in the scheme of things but IT WAS NOT FOR 100 DAYS!! Oh shit!! I forgot about the donut from Continental Bakery in Crescent City….Now that is the best bakery on the west coast I have found so far!!!

ok I need to pull myself together…..

I’ll see how my friend Tiffy did with her goals and hopefully she will inspire me once again. Her challenge was 100 days and if you fucked up….YOU WERE MISSING THE POINT!! Yep I missed it alright!

Now for my Nike+ Challenge 10 miles a week in 2010….I missed THAT two weeks too!!! Now I could say that one week I did 33 miles and then the next did five…SO IT EVENS OUT…but I don’t think that way….I MISSED TWO WEEKS.

But I have recovered and continued on with the challenge.

I was not watching my eating while on vacation….How could I? I spent quite a bit of time at my friend who is a great cook! I couldn’t possibly pass that opportunity up! Being single I have gotten lazy when it comes to cooking. I own a cast iron skillet, a soup pot and a steamer. I love veggies and rarely cook meat. Most of my protein comes from sardines and eggs….I eat too much jerky when I am traveling. On occasion I will buy a tri-tip from a great place in Klamath Falls from local ranchers. I think I have used my oven about 4 times in five years.!

Oh and I love oysters…get them at Costco on occasion.

I have been looking into buying one of those stabilizing boards they are supposed to improve core muscles…my core muscles are in terrible shape. Us Tools all have bad backs…no not the type of bad backs that keep us from being employed and on food stamps…the type of bad back where we all have to take pain medication a few times a year. I try not to slouch too much but when your hobbies are painting, quilting and a blog with lots of photos well…one needs to be careful about letting it go too far.

The weight I have dropped so far has been healthy…not to fast which leaves one with sagging skin instead of muscle. It has been healthy over all in how much easier I can move. Being overweight is just a tremendous strain on the body and organs. I’m so healthy in so many other ways but it is just miserable being unable to move in certain ways.

I think that maintaining a healthy body and a healthy mind is mostly about slowing down and allowing yourself to experience yourself. Just yourself…no other considerations. Even being single I tend to worry about others put others before me and end up running around like a chicken with my head cut off. You have to be a bit selfish as someone said all eating issues are really nourishment issues. Nourish…truly nourish yourself and changes will happen. Not the forced regiment of diet or exercise or consuming  those ridiculous diet products that leeches use to prey on society for a few $$$. Fundamental changes not noticeable overnight or in a week or a month.

Most people have not even noticed my weight loss and when I tell them how much I have lost they are genuinely astounded. It has been very slow focusing on the internal mental changes and the consistency of regular exercise rather than the obvious results.

And integrating exercise into my life so that I stay interested….hence the merging of exercise with my love of photography. I could never dedicate myself to running around a track or working out in a gym…not my personality type!

(the harbor was quite empty….must have all been out fishing!)

31 pounds have come off so far…

More on my trip to the coast later..Oh shit I still have photos from Little Bald Hills Trail in the Redwoods. So many photos…so little time!


As I think I stated in a previous post the wind was unbelievable on the coast when I was there last week. I love variety of grasses at Tolowa…

this is the trail to the beach….lots of shelter from the wind!

no shelter here!!

I didn’t bother crossing the “creek” to the beach….the wind was so fierce!! I snapped a few photos and headed back.

I took pictures of Dead Lake which I posted on Stellar Healing and then visited the more protected part of the dunes…..hardly any wind

One of my little slug friends!

and hard to take well focused photos of the flowers as the wind once again was present….should have put it on the moving athlete setting!


When the Redwoods are crowded with tourists Tolowa Dunes is my favorite place to go!

Yesterday I braved the over grown trail to take photos of this remarkable place. Truly not many people make it to this lake…see more photos and  read about the legend at STELLAR HEALING


Finally got my new running shoes Nike Equalon 4’s and took them out for a trial run…after some initial problems getting the tightness of the shoe laces just right( for those of us who have narrow heels they always put extra holes to keep the heel snug but if the laces are tight enough to keep the heel snug then my foot cramps!!!….poor lizzy… ) the cushioning was awesome for a short run around Crescent City…

Still learning how to use the new camera but its taking great photos for the most part….hard not to with such beautiful views!

Temporary beach graffiti….

someone pulled out the rocks from the barrier for a shelter…probably teenagers I don’t think that the city would allow the homeless to set up on this high-profile beach.

warning at the playground…fill in the blank…

this is the roof over a picnic table..

this was a short 1.6 mile run. Stopped to take photos of course!