Searching for God in nature, photography, whiskey, books and art…. whatever rant I am compelled to voice

Posts tagged “volcanos


I originally started out for Mt. Thielson Trailhead but forgot to bring money! I had three dollars and no checks. It costs five dollars to park. And I refuse to pay three dollars to use a cash machine so I took some photos and looked for a FREE trail!

Below is Mt. Bailey….I love the geological history of these mountains!

Mt Thielson info and photo below

Diamond Lake info and photo from the overlook…you can’t see much of the lake but its much busier than Lost Creek… I decided not to hike there….

Finally found an empty trailhead! it was a beautiful day to catch the beginning of fall..

more to come!

CRATER LAKE (September 2010)10

The last of the photos…I had forgotten to charge my camera battery the night before…good thing probably!

Finally the top of Garfield Peak is on the horizon

More stunning views….

back at the visitors center area….I purchased a new hiking book….lots of inspiration.

Next time I go up there I will photograph the Pinnacles again. Better camera…better photos!

CRATER LAKE (September 2010)8

A bench to rest on just when I needed one!

if only it had an ottoman!

This little guy was a beggar…

CRATER LAKE (September 2010) 7

The blue of Crater Lake never ceases to astound me. Even after looking at the photographs a dozen times I am transported to when I was standing there in awe. I think that is one of the reasons I like photography so much. I can see what others see and when it comes to my own photos the visual connects with the memory giving it more strength. Every photo I look at I can remember exactly what I was feeling at the time.

CRATER LAKE (September 2010)6

They have been doing controlled burning near Crater Lake….you can see the smoke in the photos I took across the lake…always something trying to cloud my blue skies!  But as you can see it was a beautiful day!