Searching for God in nature, photography, whiskey, books and art…. whatever rant I am compelled to voice

Posts tagged “waterfalls



I had not been to Mammoth Hot Springs yet so….off I went (avoiding the scary pass to Tower Falls….

Well its hard to see it in this photo but there is a little puff where the gas escapes from the side of the mountain

I stop for every one I see and introduce myself!

The valley is beautiful….

This was the scary part I didn’t know about but I talked my way through it…you have a small car….there is plenty of room….you have never driven off a cliff before… statement analysis the third person language would indicate a removal of myself from the events!

It sure was pretty though!




Fairy Falls is a very popular hike and even though I got there early there was already another car in the parking area . By the time I got back the parking area was full and people were parking on the side of the road. This is a nice hike on a well maintained trail and starts with a walk around a geothermal area. If I remember its about 2 1/2 miles to the falls.

What my hiking book didn’t tell me is that its better to hike later in the day when the sun can shine on the falls.



I wanted to take roads that I had not been on before so off I went. The park has numerous scenic side roads or loops less traveled perfect places to fly fish or picnic. The mosquitoes are numerous this year with the extra rainfall….

There is no such thing as too many buffalo…but then I still get excited when I see cows!

This guy was scratching his head on the tree….

There wasn’t this much water at the falls last year!