Searching for God in nature, photography, whiskey, books and art…. whatever rant I am compelled to voice


As I was leaving Oregon I added Elvis to my dashboard Buddha was getting lonely. They have both been keeping me entertained! Or maybe its the other way around.

Only in Wyoming would you find a chain of gas stations called SMOKER FRIENDLY!

In Buffalo even the grocery store has buffalo on the sign. Every store sells buffalo merchandise for tourists.

very courteous they are!

They have a great “old town” section which I promptly walked up one side and down the other…

I was quite hungry and thought I would stop in here for coffee and a bite to eat…but the cowgirl running the place was suffering from what appeared to be MAD COW DISEASE frothin’ at the mouth and such so I promptly turned around looking for friendly feeding grounds!

A little mural painted on the bottom of a door…

What would a western town be without some western sculptures?

A charming little church….

more to come…

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